These collection of images are what I see as “Still Life in the Wild”. I find beauty in found objects in the way they are found. Sometimes they can be normal objects, but it’s their placement on the either the various different ground textures the city has to offer, but also its placement in space. They sometimes are weird objects like a “ Vogue Cigarette “, or a smashed “Heineken bottle” with the label fully intact. These two for example makes you think, who was the type of person that was attached to a Vogue Cigarette. Who makes them? How come I’ve never heard of that? Then the bottle, what was the story behind the fate of this smashed bottle? We can see it’s serial number, the company could probably trace it to its origin of its creation, to where it was distributed to, then it could be traced to who maybe bought it and so on. Until it met its beautiful but destructive end that is shown in that image.